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РЕФЕРАТ НА ТЕМУ: Будівельні споруди
Будівельні споруди Мета: Практична: перевірити розміщення вивчених текстів; розвивати навички усного діалогічного і монологічного мовлення переказувати тексти. Освітня: розширити знання учнів про всесвітньовідомі споруди. Розвиваюча: розвивати мівну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію учнів; естетичне і просторове сприймання дійсності; Виховна: виховувати самостійність, зацікавленість у вивченні іноземної мови; чіткість висловлювання думки. Обладнання: підручники «Chaterbox», таблиці, малюнки. Хід уроку. І. Початок уроку 1. Організаційний момент - Good morning pupils. Sit down/ My name is ______ Ihorivna (And what is your name?) Today I'll be your teacher of English 2. Повідомлення теми уроку - At our lesson we will speak about the buildings. Some of them are famous and know all over the world. Some of the are one of the 7 wonders of the world. 3. Мовленнєва зарядка - What day is it today? And what date is it? And who knows what mouth is it now? Is it March or April? (It is April now) It is May, isn't it? (No, it isn't). Look through the window. Try to describe today's weather. Is the sun shining brightly, or maybe it's raining today? What colour is the sky? Is it cloudy? Is it windy today? ІІ. Основна частина 1. Робота з текстом - Now open your Pupils Books, please. I know that your hometask was to speak about the Piramids, the Parthenon, the Great Wall of China and about the Stonehenge. To retall the stories from your books. I'll give you 5 min. to look through the stories to remind them. a) Навчальна бесіда в режимі T. Cl. T.: Nav look at the picture 1, please. - What can you see in it? (the Parthenon) Where is it situated? (It is in Greece) Who built the Parthenon and when? (It was built by the Ancient Greeks 2.400 years ago) Picture 2: What is it? (The Great Wall of China) How old is it? (2.100 years old) Who built it? (Prisoners in China) Picture 3: What is it in the picture? (The Stonehenge) Who and where built it? (It was built in England, but we don't know by whom) How old is it? (4.000 years old) Picture 4: What can you see in it? (the Piramids) Where is it situated? (It is in situated in Egypt) How old is it? (It is 5.000 years old) Who built the Piramids (It was built by the Ancient Egyptians) Ok. There were same difficult words. So repeat after me Pharaohs [færəouz] Parthenon [pa:θənz] Athens [æθənz] Egypt [i:dз'pt] Ancient [ein∫nt] Queen [kwi:n] [ækr_p_lis] China [t∫ainə] What do you they mean? So what is the English for: Фараони (pharaohs) Єгипет (Egypt) Давній (ancient) Китай (China) б) Вправи «True or false» T. And now listen to my sentences attentively. If it is true - clap you hands, if it is false - sit still: The Piramids were houses for dead pharaohs (+) The Ancient Greeks built the Parthenon in Egypt (-) Stonehenge is a magic circle (+) Kings in China built the Great Wall (-) в) “Finish my sentences” T. And now you task will be to finish my sentences: - The Parthenon is au old building called… (Acropolis) The Ancient Greeks built the Parthenon… (2.400 y. ago) Prisoners in China built the Great Wall… (2.100 y. ago) Some people think the circle of stones… (a magic circle) were ______ for… (dead pharaohs) The pharaohs built the pyramids… (5.000 y. ago) г) Перевірка д/з. Перевірка тексту So, I think that high time for you to retell the stories. (кожен учень розказує по 1 тексту) 2. Робота з Activity Books a) Quiz T. Open you A.B. on page 52. Ex. 6 - it's a quiz for you. So read me the task please. What do you have to do? You are to read the question from the fist column and to fing the right answers to them from the second column. And match them. Pencils in your hands. Let's do the exercise. You have a few winters. б) Перевірка виконання вправи в режимі Т. Р1 Р2 Р3… - Who built the Stonehenge? (We don't know) How old is the Parthenon? (2.400 years old) Who built the Great Wall of China? (Prisoners) How old is Stonehenge? (4.000 years old) Who built the Parthenon? (the Ancient Greeks) How old is the Pyramids of Egypt? (5.000 years old) Who built the Pyramids of Egypt? ( the pharaohs) How old is the Great Wall of China? (2.100 years old) в) Вправи на розвиток орфографічних навичок. Т. Look of the blackboard - Which words are hidden here? greatwallofchina (Great Wall of China) Put the letters in the right order: ehengeSton (Stonehenge) midsPyra (Pyramids) thenonPar (Parthenon) г) Розгадування кросворду Т.: Let's complete the crossword - Look of the first picture. How can you name it? Where do you study? (School) Look of the second picture. Where can you see a lot of plans, and people flying away? (airport)The third picture. What was the house for dead pharaohs? (Pyramids) The fourth picture. Were do people the when they aren't at home? (Hotel) The fifth picture. What is it standing over the river? (Bridge) The sixth picture. A place of interest (museum) The next picture. Where do the prisoners sit? (prison) The next one. Where do you go to buy ___ ? (shop) The lost picture. When you are ill you are put to the… (hospital) 3. Гра “Word Bank” T.: Now I'll deride you into two tens. Your task will be to write the words which mean buildings. Try to remind all the words which we used during the lesson. The teem, which will write more words, the winner. Work in chain. Let's start. ІІІ. Заключна частина 1. Повідомлення д/з. T.: Your hometask will be to listen to the tapescreapt 47-48. You'll be working with it next time. 2. Підведення підсумків уроку - What have you varned today? Where are the Pyramids situated? What is the English for “давній”? Ok. Our lesson is over. Good bye. | |
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